If you didn’t leave a 10mm gap to the wall, the laminate can expand

We will show you a very good solution if you forgot to leave a 10mm gap to your wall for your laminate flooring or if you’ve got humidity/water damage and laminate flooring expanded.

Firstly i will show you what can happen if you won’t leave a 10mm gap to the wall or you’ve got some water on your floor.

Yes, it is very bad feeling when you get it, but here is the solution i made. I rented a tool from a local store BOSCH GOP 300 SCE for about 5 EUR per hour and cut the laminate flooring near the wall, here check photo and video of the tool:

Also you can try it to do with BOSCH GWS 24-300 JS (in the description of the product you will see that it’s for stone or metal, but you can easily use it for wood and you will get from 5mm gap).

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