If you’re using MacOS, in some cases there might be a problem with video files – converting MOV to MP4. And there might be a need to convert it from MOV to MP4 (or other format). In my case there was a problem with Adobe After Effects. I am using it, creating videos, everything is […]
Category: Tech
How to turn off autocorrect on skype when using Mac?
For many Skype users it is very annoying when you write something and Skype Corrects Spelling Automatically. Here is the solution how to turn off autocorrect on Mac: Go on Skype menu: Edit->Spelling and Grammar-> Correct Spelling Automatically (uncheck) If you have questions, ask in the comments. Was useful? Like and share us.
Apple – OS X Yosemite very slow
If you wondering what to do if your macbook after update from OS X Mavericks to OS X Yosemite is VERY SLOW, the answer is simple – buy new MacBook or upgrade hardware (not sure if it works). We did research in company who has many 2011-2012 Macbooks with 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7, 4GB or 8GB memory. […]
Unexpected iPhone 5 warranty surprise from Apple
I wrote in the last my post on qseekers.com <<CAN’T HEAR ME ON VOICE CALL (IPHONE 5)>> about my iPhone’s problem with the voice calls. First of all i tried to find solutions and to fix it by myself, but after all i brought my iPhone 5 to warranty service. After 10 days waiting, i’ve got […]
Can’t hear me on voice call (iPhone 5)
I have Iphone 5 and i have the problem with my voice calls. When i speak on Iphone 5 voice call no one can hear me. The only solution is to press Speaker, then it’s ok. The problems began after last Iphone iOS 8.0 update. It is strange to have phone and to scare do […]
Adsense CPC decreased. Solved.
I earn with Adsense from 2007, in 7 years period were many changes in Adsense and it was easy to fix them, but in 2013-14 i noticed that the algorithm of Adsense has totally changed and you need to find absolutely new ways to increase your Adsense CPC and earnings. There are many reasons why […]